Psychological Testing Psychological Evaluation

Neuropsychological Testing Psychological Evaluation

Psychoeducational, Neuropsychological, and Comprehensive Evaluations

Dr. Flugelman administers full batteries of tests at the request of parents, schools, colleges, institutions, governmental bodies , and through referral from neurologists, psychiatrists, or psychologists.

For individuals from bilingual families, or with limited command of English, Dr. Flugelman administers tests in French, Spanish, and Farsi, using testing materials in the relevant language. This greatly enhances the accuracy of the scoring and diagnostic outcomes, and leads to better personalized recommendations.

Test selection is based on the reason for referral:
  • Aptitude
  • Attention
  • Achievement
  • Information Processing Abilities
  • Personality
  • Memory
Psychological Evaluations

Clinical psychological, neuropsychological, or psychoeducational evaluations are recommended in situations such as learning disorders or cognitive or learning impairment with coexisting mood, behavioral, neurological, and personality disorders. I use comprehensive batteries of tests that include assessment of:
  • Motor-Sensory Functions
  • Auditory Skills
  • Attentional Control
  • Visual-Spatial Ability
  • Receptive and Expressive Language
  • Immediate and Delayed Memory ]
  • Personality
  • Achievement
  • Intelligence

A comprehensive diagnostic interview provides me with relevant background information to support the interpretations generated from the test data. The individual self-questionnaire, the parent's questionnaire, and, where applicable, the teacher's responses to detailed forms, also provide the opportunity of developing an understanding of the person under different circumstances and in diverse environments.


Interpreting test results is not a mechanical procedure. Each comprehensive report takes into consideration the tested individual's specific characteristics and issues. Great care is applied to achieve the purposes of the tests. A report is usually completed two weeks after the final testing session, and its narrative, results, and actionable recommendations are discussed with the relevant individual and his family. Testing normally involves several sessions.


The evaluation report addresses all aspects pertaining to the individual's impairment, and will provide clinical observations, objective data, and recommendations. It also provides clear and specific evidence as to whether a cognitive impairment does exist. Several standardized tests are used and scores are reported with their age-appropriate percentiles. Personality and clinical observations are integrated with the objective measures to clarify the impact of the individual's ability to pursue and achieve his/her goals.

Confidentiality Agreement

This report is confidential and the property of the individual tested. Parents should sign an authorization form if they wish the information to be disclosed to a school or to any other organization, with a view to improving and coordinating educational planning. You may revoke this authorization form at any time by sending a written notification to Dr. Flugelman's Office.

Contact Dr. Flugelman for Neuropsychological testing and learning disability testing in New York, NY.